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Digital Eye Strain

How To Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome

There are many chronic health problems unique to the modern office workplace. Whereas factory workers and manual laborers must fear falling rebar or toxic exposure, indoor workers are afflicted by sedentary conditions that are slow developing but still severe. This can include back pain, carpal

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So What is Wavefront LASIK?

Wavefront LASIK is a customized LASIK procedure designed to yield highly accurate results, and to provide better night vision to patients who need it. Wavefront technology is often more precise than standard LASIK treatment, and if you are concerned with low-light vision or driving at

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LASIK: How To Treat Dry Eyes

One of the most common side effects of LASIK surgery is temporary discomfort caused by dry eyes. Some patients who undergo LASIK experience “dry-eye” symptoms such as light sensitivity and a burning sensation until their eyes heal fully from the surgery, usually after about 6

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