

Blade-Free Laser Vision Correction

Find out if you're a candidate


SMILE LASIK (Small Incision LASIK) is the newest form of LASIK. It allows for an even quicker recovery and maximum comfort for you.

SMILE LASIK has been available for over a decade and is a slight variation on All-Laser LASIK.  In this procedure, we use a single laser to perform the treatment where a contact-lens shaped layer of tissue is created by the laser and then removed through a tiny opening.  It does offer some slight advantages in terms of recovery and may offer some benefit in terms of reducing the risk of dry eye.  However, it cannot be performed on people who are farsighted (hyperopic). 

Advantages of SMILE LASIK?

✓ It’s Safe and Proven – Over 4 million SMILE LASIK procedures performed worldwide.
✓ It’s Comfortable – SMILE LASIK uses the lowest pressure laser available.
✓  It’s FAST – Return to working out, swimming, and wearing makeup even faster!

How does it work?

SMILE LASIK is performed using an advanced all-in-one laser. During treatment, the laser creates a thin, contact-lens shaped layer just beneath the surface of the eye. The layer is removed through a tiny opening. This changes the shape of the cornea, thereby correcting your vision!

Am I a candidate?

We usually recommend SMILE LASIK for patients with nearsightedness, with or without astigmatism, especially for people who want to return to their active lifestyle quickly . The best way to find out for sure is to come in for your FREE consultation!

We've been patients too!

Joseph Ling, M.D. quote: "having had SMILE LASIK myself...."
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is LASIK right for you?

Schedule an appointment to find out


~ 4mm – 6mm

• Quick visual recovery
• No flap required
• Fastest return to normal activities

All-laser lasik

LASIK Opening ~ 20mm

• Quick visual recovery
• Widest range of treatment options
• 1st laser creates a flap; 2nd laser reshapes the cornea


Epithelial surface removed

• More suitable for patients with thin corneas
• May require more time off from work and activities
• Requires use of bandage contact lens while epithelial surface regenerates over first few days
• Postoperative healing period can often be uncomfortable


With Laser Eye Center
of Silicon Valley

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