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Good news! You’re probably a candidate for vision correction!

Even though you indicated that you have high degree of nearsightedness, there is still a good chance that you are a candidate for either the EVO ICL or Laser Vision Correction (LASIK, Epi-LASIK/PRK).

The EVO ICL is an FDA-approved vision correction procedure for patients with moderate to severe nearsightedness and astigmatism (Up to -16.0 diopters of nearsightedness and 4.0 diopters of astigmatism), or for patients that are not good candidates for LASIK due to thin corneas or asymmetrically-shaped corneas. We frequently recommend the EVO ICL for individuals with high degrees of nearsightedness, especially over -12 diopters , and those with astigmatism. It is important to take specific measurements of the dimensions of your eye to determine if the EVO ICL is appropriate for you.

Potentially, LASIK may also be a good option for you. LASIK is FDA-approved to treat up to -12.0 diopters of nearsightedness and 6.o diopters of astigmatism, but it is hard to determine without knowing your exact prescription, corneal thickness and corneal shape. That’s why we recommend scheduling your free consultation, so we can determine your best and safest option. Based on your age, we probably would not recommend a CLR procedure. Likewise, we probably would not recommend the SMILE LASIK procedure, which is only approved to treat up to -8.0 diopters of nearsightedness.

The Next Step: Free Consultation
To determine whether if you are a good candidate requires a few specific measurements that can only be done in person. It’s also your chance to meet us and have your questions answered. Then, if you are a candidate you could opt to schedule your vision correction procedure.