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What is Visian EVO ICL?

EVO ICL, also called an Implantable Collamer® Lens, is a refractive implant to correct common vision issues like myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. Unlike some other vision correction options, the EVO ICL is an additive technology that corrects vision without the removal of any corneal tissue. The EVO ICL is meant to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contacts and unlike most permanent refractive solutions, EVO ICL is removable.

EVO ICL Procedure – What to Expect

EVO ICL is made of biocompatible Collamer material that works in harmony with your eye. Your eye doctor will create a small opening in your cornea that will be used to insert and position the EVO ICL. The procedure is typically painless with numbing eye drops and it typically takes less than 20 minutes. You can experience improved vision right away and a quick recovery time.

Easy 20-30 Minute Procedure

Benefits of EVO ICL

• Significant vision improvement1

• 99% patient satisfaction2

• Over 1 million procedures performed worldwide3

• Quick results

• Can be removed if needed

• Offers UV protection

• Can treat astigmatism and myopia

• Undetectable once in place

• May be an option for patients who are not candidates for other vision correction procedures4

• Does not cause dry eye syndrome, which can be a side effect of other vision correction procedures5

• Provides excellent night vision6

1 Shin, JY. Ahn, H. Seo, KY. Kim, EK. Kim, TK. Comparison of higher order aberrations after implantable collamer lens implantation and wavefront-guide LASEK in high myopia. J Refract Surg. 2012; 28 (2): 106 -111
2 MICL PMA data
3 Data on file. STAAR Surgical.
4 Parkhurst, G. Psolka, M. Kezirian, G. Phakic intraocular lens implantantion in United States military warfighters: A retrospective analysis of early clinical outcomes of the Visian ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7):473 – 481
5 Naves, J.S. Carracedo, G. Cacho-Babillo, I. Diadenosine Nucleotid Measurements as Dry-Eye Score in Patients After LASIK and ICL Surgery. Presented at American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) 2012.
6 Parkhurst G. A Prospective Comparison of Phakic Collamer Lenses and Wavefront-Optimized Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis for Correction of Myopia. Clinical Ophthalmology 2013; 10: 1209-1215.

Meet Your Surgeon

Dr. Joseph J. Ling

Dr Joseph Ling is a fellowship-trained refractive surgeon specialized in the full-spectrum of vision correction. He is the refractive lens and laser specialist at the Laser Eye Center of Silicon Valley. He is widely published in scientific and clinical journals for his work in ophthalmology and molecular biology. He was also involved in clinical trials, including insertable collamer lens (ICL), intraocular lenses (IOLs), and refractive lasers.

Cost and Financing

Many EVO ICL patients look forward to spending less in the long run with the Visian ICL compared to the continued costs of contacts and glasses. We will review all of your financing options and payment plans that may be available for your Visian ICL procedure at the time of your free exam to determine if you are a candidate.


“I had my first opportunity to put my EVO ICL eyes to the test recently in the Brazilian Rainforest, and it couldn’t have been more exciting to be able to spot rare species better than ever.”


“I would never be able to just wake up and go, and now I can literally just roll out of bed and go straight to the farmers market.”



EVO ICL is well-suited for a wide variety of people. Ideal candidates for EVO ICL are aged 21 to 45 nearsightedness and have maintained a stable prescription for at least one year. EVO ICL is not an option for patients who are pregnant, nursing, or those with a history of eye disease. If you are seeking a solution to decrease or eliminate the cost or frustration of traditional contacts or glasses, EVO ICL may be your answer. Schedule your FREE Eye Exan and Consultation today to see if EVO  ICL is right for you.
