Permanent lens solution for aging eyes
Stages of Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome (DLS)
Stage 1: Internal lens of the eye gradually becomes less flexible causing near vision to get worse during the 40s and 50s. This was formerly referred to as “presbyopia”
Stage 2: In addition to becoming less flexible, the eye’s internal lens becomes discolored and yellow, which degrades visual quality.
Stage 3: In addition to becoming less flexible and discolored, the eye’s internal lens becomes cloudy and more opaque, called a cataract.
In all stages of DLS, the dysfunctional lens can be treated with lens replacement to restore clear distance and near vision.
Types of Lens Replacement Procedures
Basic Cataract Surgery: An common outpatient procedure for patients with vision problems caused by cataracts (clouding of the eye’s internal lens). In basic cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with a clear lens implant to restore transparency. Patients still need to wear glasses for near vision or far vision or both after undergoing basic cataract surgery.
CLR (Custom Lens Replacement): An increasingly popular outpatient procedure for patients with a dysfunctional lens that want to be free of glasses and contacts. In CLR, the dysfunctional lens is replaced with a modern lens implant that is transparent and clear, and is preferable basic cataract surgery for patients seeking a lens-free lifestyle.
Ideal for: Patients ages 60+ with Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome or early stage cataract development.